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Прогнозы и ставки на спорт бесплатно от MagnusHockey.fr

Начало первой игры: (2021-10-29 21:00)
Хоккей/ Франция. Лига Магнуса
1 Руан - Анжер ФОРА1 (-2) 1.00
2 Гап - Гренобль ФОРА2 (-2) 1.00
Итоговый кф 1.00
Сумма 2% от банка
Возврат 0% от банка
Показать результаты
The same express as the other one but with more risks ! Rouen is able to score more than 4 goals today and i'm not sure Pintaric in the net will allow a lot of goals for Angers. The same for Grenoble. They have the possibility to score 5 or more goals today because Gap is not in the good mood and because Gap has a poor defense. Both -2 are really possible, because of the 2 best attacks, of course, but also because i don't imagie Gap or Angers will score a lot...I think even -2.5 is possible to risk, but -2 is more safe !
Хоккей. Франция. Лига Магнуса
Англет Ормади
2021-10-29 21:30
2 : 2
Прогноз ТМ (6)
Кф 1.75
Сумма 3.0% от банка
Выигрыш +2.3% от банка
Here again i'm waiting a close game. Amiens was really really tired the last games. Yhey led against Nice but were unable to secure the score (Today it will be the 5th game of the week, and away...). Gothiques is a best team than Hormadi. It's obvious. Hormadi is strange team, able to win against good teams, able to loose against worst...But the only good thing for them, is defense. I don't think it will be an open game today

И здесь я жду близкой игры. «Амьен» действительно очень устал в последних играх. Yhey лидировал против Nice, но не смог закрепить счет (сегодня это будет 5-я игра недели, и на выезде ...). Gothiques - лучшая команда, чем Hormadi. Это очевидно. Хормади - странная команда, способная побеждать хорошие команды, способная проигрывать худшим ... Но единственное, что для них хорошо, - это защита. Я не думаю, что сегодня будет открытая игра.
Хоккей. Франция. Лига Магнуса
2021-10-29 21:30
2 : 3
Прогноз ТМ (6)
Кф 1.86
Сумма 3.0% от банка
Выигрыш +2.6% от банка
I'm not waiting a lot of goals today. 22/10 Cergy won 5-2. But 5 important players were not on ice for Bordeaux. 3 will return for injury today. But even with this 3 players, Jokers de Cergy is more powerful than Boxers. This team has got quality. If they played as well as 7 days before, it will be hard for this young team of Bordeaux. I think we will not see a lot og goals today. Boxers will secure the net as a maximum and they will try to close thegame.
Хоккей. Франция. Лига Магнуса
2021-10-29 21:30
2 : 4
Прогноз ФОРА2 (-1.5)
Кф 1.95
Сумма 5.0% от банка
Выигрыш +4.8% от банка
It's really long time ago when Rapaces de Gap were in the first league position ! They loose their last 3 games, the defense is awful : 4 goals against Briançon and Cergy 6 against Grenoble). In front of them, Les Bruleurs de Loups de Grenoble just smatched Boxers 8-0. Grenoble scored 59 buts in 10 games (and just 17 against)... To my mind, Grenoble will easily win today, Gap is not on a good mood, and it will be hard to react against such a good team as Grenoble
Хоккей. Франция. Лига Магнуса
2021-10-29 21:00
3 : 4
Прогноз ТМ (6.5)
Кф 1.59
Сумма 3.0% от банка
Проигрыш -3% от банка
2 last games between this 2 teams were played in Chamonix one in Magnus 1-1 and the other one in French cup 6-2. In french cup there a lot of different rules (number of u21, number of foreigners...) and the 2 roosters were not as the usual. The 22/10 they met and score was 1-1. I thi,k it will be quite the same tied game today. Scorpions de Mulhouse will try to react because of a poor start this season, but they know they have to secure the defense first, and I think it will be quite the same for Pionniers.
Хоккей. Франция. Лига Магнуса
Эгл Ницца
2021-10-29 21:00
4 : 2
Прогноз ТМ (6)
Кф 1.86
Сумма 5.0% от банка
Возврат 0% от банка
It's quite hard to play with Briançon. I saw some games with them and there are playing well, but a lack of players is always hard to deal with: no quantity of good players, in the 3rd period, you lose... It's quite the same for Nice. I think it will be a tied game with not a lot of goals. This 2 teams are in the bottom of the league, this game is important for both ! 3 last game of Nice at home: 3 defeats, 12 goals against while Briançon just strangely won at Gap, one defeat 2-1 at Bordeaux (goal in the last minute, I was at the game, and Diables rouge don't deserve this defeat), and a "good" defeat 3-1 at Gothiques...
Хоккей. Франция. Лига Магнуса
2021-10-29 21:00
- : -
Прогноз ФОРА1 (-1)
Кф 2.06
Сумма 5.0% от банка
Возврат 0% от банка
Dragons de Rouen against Ducs d'Angers. I don't understand why the victory of Rouen is so hight. I though maybe @1.50 but not more. @1.78 it's really attractive : At home, since the beginning of the season, Rouen played 8 games, they won 7 (defeat in champions league). Ducs d'Angers is quite a good team in Magnus, but we have to notice they never player away against best teams. A week ago, Dragons de Rouen won 3-0 at Angers. Angers just loose an easy game against Hormadi. I'm not waiting a lot of goals today and an under is possible too...
Начало первой игры: (2021-10-29 21:00)
Хоккей/ Франция. Лига Магнуса
1 Руан - Анжер ФОРА1 (0) 1.40
2 Гап - Гренобль П2 1.50
Итоговый кф 2.10
Сумма 5% от банка
Выигрыш +5.5% от банка
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Добрый день всем ! С нова Лиг Магнус сегодня !
Хочу начинать с экспрессом, где ели всё логично без рисков !
Руан / Анжер :Эти 2 команды встретились 7 дней назад, и Руан выиграл 3-0 у Анжер. Анжер только что проиграл у Ормади, (одна слабая команда лиги)
Гап - Гренобль : 3 последние игры Гапа : поражение , 4 голов против с Сержи и с Бриансон и 6 с Гренобль. Гренобль, забыл 59 голов в 10 играх, только 17 против, эта самая эффективная команда в Лиге. Они должны выиграть без проблем сегодня...
English : An express where if all is logical, it will be ok ! Grenoble and Roeun, 2 best teams in France in easy games today...Hope ethrithing is inderstandable with my poor russian, but i tried...
Хоккей. Франция. Лига Магнуса
2021-10-26 21:30
4 : 3
Прогноз ТМ (6.5)
Кф 2.00
Сумма 3.0% от банка
Проигрыш -3% от банка
Maybe the most difficult game to bet today in french Magnus. 2 equal teams: but Cergy, first play at home, they show good skills against Bordeaux and at home they play well, while, Gap away in not really good. Gap is on th top of the Magnus but they played all worst teams ! When they met Grenoble, they loose, and they won Rouen but it was the second game of the season while Rouen was focus in Champion's league. i'm waiting a tie game, and i'm not sure we will see a lot of goals !
Хоккей. Франция. Лига Магнуса
2021-10-26 21:15
3 : 2
Эгл Ницца
Прогноз ТМ (6)
Кф 1.86
Сумма 3.0% от банка
Выигрыш +2.6% от банка
Amiens will try to control this game because they played 3 games in 3 days (Continental cup) Nice is not a team who is able to score, and has Gothiques, I think, will play a close hockey, i'm not sure there will be a lot of possibility for Aigles to score a lot ! I don't axpect a lot of goals today. Amiens need a victory because there are low in classement because of the poor start, but this team has the possibility to finish in the top 4
Хоккей. Франция. Лига Магнуса
2021-10-26 21:00
0 : 3
Прогноз ТБ (6)
Кф 1.90
Сумма 3.0% от банка
Проигрыш -3% от банка
I think there will be a lot of goals today, one of the best team against one of the worst. The poor defense of Briançon will face hard times: Rouen, 8 games, 28 goals for, Briançon 9 games, 35 goals against...) But Diables Rouges are able to score as they showed in the last game (4goals) With Briancon, even if it's 2 poor team on ice there are goals, so when it's one of the best attack, i think over 6 goals it's really possible
Хоккей. Франция. Лига Магнуса
2021-10-26 21:00
0 : 3
Прогноз ИТБ2 (4)
Кф 1.75
Сумма 4.0% от банка
Проигрыш -4% от банка
I wanted to play the victory of Rouen but coeff is really low, and -2.5 to have a good coeff it's maybe too hight... I think there will be a lot of goals today, one of the best team against one of the worst. Briançon won their 1st game 24/10 and they spend a lot of energy wile Rouen played not a too hard game (I saw it, they controlled). The poor defense of Briançon will face hard times: Rouen, 8 games, 28 goals for, Briançon 9 games, 35 goals against...)
Хоккей. Франция. Лига Магнуса
2021-10-26 21:00
7 : 1
Англет Ормади
Прогноз ФОРА1 (0)
Кф 1.91
Сумма 4.0% от банка
Выигрыш +3.6% от банка
Here I like coef ! Chamonix and Hormadi are not good teams, it's true ! But who is weakest, that's the question ? At home, Chamonix has an advantage, and Hormadi still has 0 win away this year (4 goal for, 12 against). The last 5 times Anglet played in Chamonix, they loose...And Pionniers rested 2 days more than Hormadi who played a tied game sunday and travelled between Angers and Chamonix. It's not a sure bet of course, but @1.91 I think it's good to try !!
Хоккей. Франция. Лига Магнуса
2021-10-26 21:15
8 : 0
Прогноз ФОРА1 (-2)
Кф 1.86
Сумма 4.0% от банка
Выигрыш +3.4% от банка
Even if Boxers are my team, I don't know how they will be able to take 1 point today : there are really tired (even captain and trainer said this in interview 3 days ago), and as they know they don't have a lot of quality they all played on physical energy...but when you are tired, there is a big lack of energy , as the defeat 5-2 with Jokers showed.. Today, at Grenoble, the best french team since years, it will be really hard and i think Boxers will keep energy for the next game (in 3 days against Jokers). Grenoble is a machine with a lot of talented players...
Хоккей. Франция. Лига Магнуса
2021-10-26 21:15
3 : 2
Эгл Ницца
Прогноз ФОРА1 (-1)
Кф 1.91
Сумма 3.0% от банка
Возврат 0% от банка
Even if Gothiques played 3 games in row in continental cup since 22/10, there were not tied game (victory 6-0 and 9-1), except with the last one (defeat) Of course they will be tired, but Nice played the 22 of october too with not a large rooster as Amiens. I don't really like this team of Nice, they are unable to show good hockey. 35 goals against in 9 games ! If Amiens doesn't played in Continental cup, the bet should be safe, but as they played it's less safe...
Начало первой игры: (2021-10-26 21:00)
Хоккей/ Франция. Лига Магнуса
1 Гренобль - Бордо П1 1.36
2 Бриансон - Руан П2 1.26
3 Амьен - Эгл Ницца ФОРА1 (0) 1.34
Итоговый кф 2.29
Сумма 5% от банка
Выигрыш +6.4% от банка
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Добрый день всем ! с нова Лиг Магнус.
Начинаем с экспрессом и только логичные результаты:
-Bordeaux will play a second game in row away, and even if they rested 2 days more than Grenoble, it's hard (physically) for a rooster with no much quantity. Just 2 lines and a half of experimented players and the other it's youth. Another important palyer (Poudrier) is injured. I think Bruleurs de Loups will win easily today.
-The same thing for Briançon, they played an hard game 2 days ago to win their first game this year, but against Dragons, one of the best 2 team in France it will be hardier ! Rouen should win.
-Amiens played 3 games in row in Continental Cup, while Nice played just one (22/10), but the first 2 games were practice ! They won 6-0 and 9-1. Maybe the game withe more risk than the others but at home, Gothiques are a good team, and away, Nice is not a good team....
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